Wednesday, December 03, 2008

tree trimming traditions

we have a holiday tradition in our family just as big as grandma's blueberry cream pie, card playing and black friday. without fail, there is an open spot in the post-thanksgiving weekend set aside for trimming grandma and grandpa's christmas tree. growing up i didn't really pay much attention to this tradition, but over the past few years it has become a favorite. it is the day that bridges the gap between thanksgiving and christmas. this tradition also bridges this year and last as we reminisce over past holiday memories. this thanksgiving i was so very thankful for family. my family. my card playing, blueberry cream pie eating family.
hope you're enjoying your first week of december,


Sarah said...

now i miss you even more :(

Anonymous said...

awww..dang...i missed it!! whwere was i??? i missed the leaves..and the tree? blah!

bethany said...

Love the day after Thanksgiving! It is the quintessential American day of laziness spent with family :)

Love your blog!